Practical information

Should you have any questions related to the information provided below, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Biomedical Research Institute (BMRI), Tygerberg Campus, Stellenbosch University


There is a range of accommodation options in Stellenbosch. The Organising Committee is exploring the possibility of providing accommodation at one of the university's residences.


Transport between Stellenbosch and the conference venue on the Tygerberg Campus will be provided for conference participants. There is no additional cost to make use of the transport provided.


We invite you to engage with us at our virtual conference to share your research, network and build a future for postdoctoral research fellow in Southern Africa.

Contact details

+27 74 670 8987

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Postdoctoral Research Support Office, Division for Research Development, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602