
Speakers at the 3rd Postdoctoral Research Conference of Africa will explore this year’s topic:

Postdocs as drivers of knowledge and innovation in Africa: Confronting global challenges together

Prof. Leslie Swartz, Stellenbosch University
Professor Leslie Swartz’s research focuses on disability and issues of care, healthcare access, and higher education. Prof. Swartz obtained his BSc, Honours and Master’s degrees in Psychology from the University of Cape Town. He holds two PhDs, one in Abnormal Psychology from UCT and Languages and Literature from Stellenbosch University. He held various positions at UCT including Professor and Director of the Child Guidance Clinic. He worked for the Medical Research Council and the Human Sciences Research Council and is currently a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology at Stellenbosch University. He is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg and Global Advisor for the Institute for Culture and Society at the University of Western Sydney. He has published more than 80 articles in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Palliative Care and the Journal of Psychology in Africa since 2013 and co-authored two books. Prof Swartz’s work has garnered considerable recognition including the Gold Medal for Science for Society from the Academy of Science of South Africa and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Science and Technology Forum.
H.E. Prof. Dr Ambassador Tal Edgars, Founder & Group Executive Chairman: GBSH Consult Group Worldwide
H.E. Prof. Dr. Ambassador Tai Edgars is a multi- award winning, well known business authority, mentor, chess player, erudite keynote speaker of note, academician, diplomat and a cutting edge thinker with an outstanding record in planning, managing and executing highly successful private and public sector initiatives in Africa, Europe, America & Asia. He has an academic, diplomatic and international civil service background with a global inclination and provides quite extensive domestic best practices in Africa, He is Africa's leading authority and informed voice on knowledge of foreign policy community, Growth and Competitiveness Practice, complex negotiations, strategic foresight, government affairs, entrepreneurship, governance and integrated reporting, ESG, corporate finance, investment policies, brand strategy and how countries & businesses can be active participants in their own development. He is currently the Group Executive Chairman of GBSH Consult Group Worldwide,
Dr Alphonsus Neba, Deputy-Director: Programmes, Science Foundation for Africa Foundation

Alphonsus recently joined the Science for Africa Foundation (SFA Foundation) as its Deputy Director of Programmes, and Programme Manager for the DELTAS Africa programme, a multi-million US Dollar programme funded by Wellcome Trust and the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office that builds research leadership capacity on the continent.  The SFA Foundation is a new non-profit, private charitable continental science, technology and innovation organization that strengthens and supports science on the continent. Its key mandate includes continental science agenda and priority setting, funding for grants making and programme design and oversight. Prior to joining the SFA Foundation, Alphonsus worked at the AESA Platform at the African Academy of Sciences as Deputy Director of Programmes from 2018 to 2021. He also held previous roles at the University of Botswana’s Office of Research and Development as Assistant Director for Research Commercialization and Technology Transfer and as Acting Assistant Director for Research Funding and Grants Administration. Alphonsus holds a PhD degree in Science, and a Master’s degree in Environmental Biotechnology from Rhodes University in Grahamstown, with additional degrees including a Masters in Information Sciences from the University of Ibadan and BSc Hons in Microbiology from the University of Lagos, both institutions in Nigeria. Alphonsus’ other qualifications include certificates in Innovation Policy from the World Bank Institute in Washington, Bio-entrepreneurship from the University of Pretoria in South Africa, and Certificates in Innovation Readiness, and in Converting Technology to Wealth (CTW) from the Innovation, Creativity and Capital (IC2) Institute at the University of Texas at Austin the US.

His key professional interests include issues on gender, diversity and inclusiveness, balancing equity with excellence in research funding initiatives, professionalising research management, research leadership capacity development on the continent and innovation and technology transfer from Africa’s research institutions to support Africa’s sustainable development efforts.


We invite you to engage with us at our virtual conference to share your research, network and build a future for postdoctoral research fellow in Southern Africa.

Contact details

+27 74 670 8987

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Postdoctoral Research Support Office, Division for Research Development, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602